Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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AI EXPERT Magazine
March 1987
Theme: Intelligent Data Bases
Object-oriented Data Base Design
by Bob Peterson
Thσ object-orienteΣ datß mode∞ i≤ thσ natura∞ resul⌠ oµ thσ unioε
oµ tw∩ technologies║ object-orienteΣ programminτ anΣ databasσ
management« Thi≤ articlσ discusse≤ thσ ideß oµ object-orienteΣ
databases¼ contrastinτ thi≤ ne≈ developmen⌠ witΦ classica∞
approache≤ t∩ datß management«
Intelligent Data Bases and Nial
by M. A. Jenkins
Herσ wσ describσ aε architecturσ fo≥ aε intelligen⌠ decisioε
suppor⌠ systeφ designeΣ withiε ß singlσ languagσ frameworδ calleΣ
thσ NesteΣ Interactivσ Arra∙ Languagσ (NIAL⌐ -- whicΦ combine≤
idea≤ froφ LISP¼ APL¼ Pascal¼ anΣ logiπ programminτ int∩ onσ
coheren⌠ system«
Oε Stagσ witΦ Actor
b∙ Andre≈ P« Bernat
ACTO╥ i≤ ß ne≈ programminτ languagσ intendeΣ t∩ makσ thσ
flexibilit∙ anΣ powe≥ oµ thσ object-orienteΣ programminτ stylσ
eveε morσ availablσ t∩ microcompute≥ users« Comparinτ Acto≥ t∩
Digitalk'≤ Smalltalk/V¼ wσ wil∞ looδ a⌠ ho≈ wel∞ Acto≥ meet≤ thσ
thσ goa∞ oµ bringinτ thσ powe≥ oµ object-orienteΣ programminτ
dowε t∩ thσ PC«
Learn Logo Before LISP
by Michael McMillan
Thi≤ autho≥ suggest≤ ß nove∞ wa∙ t∩ learε LIS╨ tha⌠ wil∞ givσ thσ
studen⌠ ß soliΣ backrounΣ iε symboliπ computatioε -- learε LOG╧
firstí Hσ claim≤ tha⌠ Log∩ ha≤ beeε thσ victiφ oµ it≤ owε
succes≤ a≤ aε educationa∞ language¼ anΣ contend≤ tha⌠ i⌠ caε als∩
bσ importan⌠ t∩ thσ 'grown-u≡ worldº oµ compute≥ sciencσ anΣ
artificia∞ intelligence.
Braiε Wave≤
Larry Harris, C.E.O., Artificial Intelligence Corp.
"The Marriage of AI and Data Base Technology"
A╔ Inside≥
b∙ Susaε Shepard
Expert'≤ Toolbo°
"Heuristic State Space Search"
b∙ Marc Rettig
A╔ Apprenticσ
"Breaking with Tradition: Nonlinear Reading"
b∙ Beverl∙ anΣ Bil∞ Thompson
Iε Practicσ
"The Making of a Tax Expert"
b∙ Harvey Newquist
Book Store
"Machine Learning, Soar, and the Art of PROLOG"
b∙ Dr« Lancσ B« Eliot
Software Reviews:
LIS╨ on the Micro, Part II║
by Susan Shepard, et. al.
Personal Consultant Plus
by Susan Shepard